Frequently Asked Questions About Dynamic Propeller Balancing

dynamic propeller balanceYour aircraft propeller is essential to the function of the entire aircraft, and proper maintenance will ensure it remains as such. Part of that maintenance is dynamic propeller balancing.

A dynamic propeller balance will not only increase your plane’s performance and reduce vibrations, but it will add to your engine’s longevity. There are, however, common questions regarding dynamic propeller balance.

When should a propeller be balanced?

There are many instances in which you will want to balance your propeller:

  1. If your propeller was recently replaced or majorly repaired, then you should have it balanced. Often times, a propeller repair shop will only give a static balancing so you’ll want to dynamically balance your propeller as well.
  2. If you or a repair shop had to remove the propeller to work on the engine, then you should have the balance checked to make sure it’s still par.
  3. If your engine is continuously leaking oil after repairs.
  4. If your plane is vibrating excessively, then you’ll want to have the propellers balanced. However, sometimes a propeller can be severely unbalanced and not create and notable vibrations, so you shouldn’t rely on this tell alone.

What’s the acceptable level of propeller vibration?

The highest propeller vibration you could get away with is 0.14 IPS, or inches per second. Most propeller balancers will be able to get it down to half the accepted level, or 0.07 IPS. A vibration analysis will tell you how high your vibration is, and if it needs to be altered. The levels of vibration in aircraft are as follows:

  • 0.0 – 0.2: Good
  • 0.21 – 0.4: Fair
  • 0.41 – 0.6: Slightly Rough
  • 0.61 – 0.8: Rough
  • 0.81 – 1.00: Very Rough
  • 1.01- 1.2: Dangerous

A low level of vibration will significantly reduce the wear of engine and propeller components and improve the overall performance of the aircraft.

Will balancing the propeller reduce all vibrations?

If the vibration you experience is primarily due to the imbalance of the propeller, then performing a dynamic propeller balance should significantly reduce overall vibration. However, if the aircraft is experiencing other mechanical problems that are causing vibration then balancing the propellers will do nothing to resolve that.

Having your propeller dynamically balanced will help your aircraft perform better, last longer, and fly quieter.

For dynamic propeller balancing equipment, visit ACES Systems today.

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